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Wajahat Qazi

Has Vladimir Putin Killed The European Union?

The region will once again become militarized, out of necessity and maybe even split. But to prevent the EU from…

March 19, 2022

Notes on the Kaeshur Mot

In folklore, he (it is usually a he), is a wanderer, has no real habitat or home, is oblivious to…

November 20, 2021

The Story That Our Handicrafts Tell About Their Demise

Socio-culturally and economically, Kashmir’s handicrafts are not only its pride but also bread and butter for umpteen peoples. People involved…

July 13, 2021

A Case for Ethical Shopping

What will the daily wage of vulnerable people do? In the context of Kashmir, can society help, while maintaining their…

July 9, 2021

Manne Kaak, the Obscure, Died of Covid. But What Killed Him?

Did Manne Kaak really die of Covid? Was it trials and tribulations that killed him? Or did the bottled up…

June 14, 2021

On Education: A One -off Event or an Open -Ended Journey?

A positive return on skill development then warrants a philosophical approach and premise that can only be attained through vigorous…

June 7, 2021

The Incoherence of Mustafa Akyol’s ‘Ethical Objectivism’?

The world, defined as it is by dazzling and staggering diversity is a beautiful place to know, engage with and…

May 31, 2021

Covid Challenge 2.0: Time for Society to Rise to the Occasion

Parsed and pared to essence, it means attempting to feel the pain of others as one’s own. By way of…

April 30, 2021

Marketing Rendezvous: Kashmiri Tujji Wallas and Apple’s Iphones

This is the genius of Apple’s late Steve Jobs and this is what connects the Tujji walla and Iphones. Both…

January 21, 2021

Why I Bemoan the Loss of Our Downtown

Warped and flawed modernization has led to the demolition of the traditional housing structures of downtown giving way to ugly,…

January 12, 2021