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Rakshanda Afrin

Amid Contagion Curbs, Siege Mentality Returns to Haunt Kashmir

As pervasive pandemic unleashed a besieged world order, Mumbai for a change looked like a curbed Maisuma, Delhi as caged…

May 21, 2020

In Pandemic, Contemporary Kashmiri Writers Getting Added Audience

Some of the finest contemporary Kashmiri writers in English language have passionately used the medium of writing to inspire and…

May 14, 2020

For Stranded Kashmiris, This Bandipora Boy is Knight in Shining Armour

When old demons returned to haunt Kashmiri students in Rajasthan on April 30, 2020, a young Kashmiri boy promptly dialed…

May 2, 2020

Lockdown Dairies: Imagining Kashmir from Assam

‘But for me the most relatable and turning resonating point with Kashmir and the valley’s people was when back home,…

April 26, 2020