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Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

Who’s More Dominating – Humans or Bacteria?

My favourite Zen story is when a question is asked of a Zen monk – ‘‘A house is on fire.…

August 19, 2017

On Superstitions and Animal Cruelty

A superstition is any belief or practice that is irrational, arising from ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality, a…

August 13, 2017

Pollination Crisis: Why Are Our Bees Disappearing?

Last week I received a frantic email from a teacher in Puducherry. The school principal had decided to remove all…

August 5, 2017

Do You Know 10 Million Aliens Are Living Among Us!

I’ve just finished reading ‘Ten Million Aliens’ by Simon Barnes, a collection of articles that looks at animals in a…

July 22, 2017

Deception and Trickery in Plants and Animals

Plants and animals are so interdependent that many plants change themselves, and even where they grow, in order to accommodate…

July 14, 2017

So who is cleaner?

A human eats, defecates, reproduces, dies. And in between tries to give meaning to his life by being as destructive…

June 30, 2017

Charity in Nature – Animals are more altruistic

Altruism is the conscious and deliberate giving of something you may need yourself but are prepared to donate for another’s wellbeing.…

June 16, 2017

What Is Killing Bees and What Does It Mean for Us?

Last week I received a frantic email from a teacher in Puducherry. The school principal had decided to remove all…

June 10, 2017

Why Lactose Free Ice Cream Is Good For You

Every summer I make a thick mango juice, put it into plastic kulfi holders and freeze it. We have it…

June 2, 2017

Getting to the Bottom of Gelatin: Is it Safe or Not?

One of the reasons I don’t eat sweets is because, over the years, I have discovered that most of them…

May 12, 2017