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October 12, 2018 8:08 pm

Why Dialogue Is The Only Hope Left


The two nuclear powers: Pakistan and In­dia are deliberately avoiding talks to re­solve longstanding dispute over Kashmir. The top leadership of both sides instead of working towards ending the impasse maintain rigid positions and are involved in a blame game. Paki­stan is talking about “brutalities in Kashmir” and India about “terrorism” in Kashmir. This shows that there is no appetite for dialogue and both prefer status quo to prevail.

In the meanwhile Kashmir continues to bleed and Kashmiris continue to pay the price for for fol­lies and dithering of leaders in Delhi and Islamabad. For seventy years Kashmiri people have remained trapped in uncertainty and their wish for peace with dignity has remained a utopian dream. Kashmiris are screaming for seven decades to make world lis­ten what it has promised them in global forums, par­liaments and in the chowks of Srinagar.

Kashmiris are a rational lot who keep on hop­ing for the best despite seven decades of suffering. They have braved an all out onslaught by active and passive forces of subjugation who wanted to silence them into submission. Their perpetual struggle to prick global conscience and the conscience of the peoples of India and Pakistan continues with this undying belief that it will bear fruit one day.

The people of Kashmir firmly believe that the only salvation lies in dialogue as that is the most civilized and humane way of resolving disputes. There are saner people on both sides who tireless­ly work for dialogue and reconciliation but it has been noted that whenever they succeed in drilling some sense into the politicians and rulers, sabo­teurs carry the day. It appears so called democ­racy has yet to take root in this part of the world as politicians have not grown into statesmen but remain petty politicians. The reason top political elite backed by a bellicose media has launched a tirade against Kashmir and Kashmiris proves yet again the mindset has not changed. General elec­tions which are a do or die battle for political class in sub-continent, especially India, have yet again decided to play Kashmir card to carry through the electoral barrier in the year 2019.

That explains New Delhi’s rejection of new Paki­stani governments offer of dialogue on Kashmir and related issues with contempt. The Modi administra­tion under the banner of BJP, is in no way able to take a soft stance on Kashmir at this critical juncture when elections are just around the corner. More­over declining economy, unpopular de-monitisation and mega corruption scams like ‘Rafile Deal’ stare Modi government in the face. Here again BJP has taken a leaf out of Congress book by turning focus on Kashmir where a surcharged atmosphere always helps whip up national frenzy and easily diverts public attention from troubling domestic issues.

Furthermore, Modi’s power and electoral base is entirely based in the ultra-right wing majority within Sangh parivar who who always stood firm against any dialogue process on Kashmir issue. That perhaps explains why Sangh sidelines all mod­erate elements who worked under Vajpayee dispen­sation soon after Modi led BJP took power in 2014.

Kashmir and Pakistan get special sharp focus than on pressing domestic issues during general elections in India. ‘Ant-national’ Kashmir’s and ‘communal Pakistan’ are two themes national parties in India play to hilt in order to mobilise voters, especially in northern Hindi heartland where scars of partition are kept alive even after seven decades for the purpose. Thus, any scope for dialogue process or creating a congenial at­mosphere for any eventual peace process are scuttled by the very government which should have been striving for it.

To a large extent the situation ahead of elections has always been similar in Pakistan unlike this time.

To gain the electoral dividends politicians have made the people of Kashmir hostage in their own homeland. Not only this, lack of dialogue process and peace initiatives by India and Pakistan is com­promising and undermining the future, interests and well-being of Kashmiri population.

The continued belligerency and hostility be­tween the two neighbours are giving a hard blow to the phenomenon of peace, prosperity, progress, development and mutual cooperation. Although, one-fourth of world population lives in South-Asia, yet they are unable to participate effectively in new world order. The main cause rests with Pakistan- India rivalry.

Now the important question arises that how the both countries prosper and under such hostile atmo­sphere where not even trade cooperation is possible. Both the countries have fought four wars which brought nothing but misery to millions of people on both sides. Therefore, to harmonize the worsening situation, both the states are widely tipped to recon­cile their harsh rhetoric.

Both the states: India and Pakistan, sooner or later will have to sit on a negotiation table as wars do not resolve issues in the age of nuclear bombs. They have to take urgent decisions for restoring peace in the region. The decisions are vital for the future course of both countries and for the torment­ed population of Jammu and Kashmir.Road to peace which will lead to salvation of a great mass of hu­manity held hostage by a band of politicians lacking vision and will, passes through Kashmir.



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